Troubleshooting Kenmore Washer 70 Series
Belt, Water PumpIf the washer won't drain the pump belt might have broken or might have worn out. Check the belt and replace if it shows signs of excessive wear.Drain PumpIf the washer won't drain water the drain pump might be defective. It's also common for a small sock or other article of clothing to get caught in the drain pump or in the drain hose.
Check both for an obstruction before replacing the pump.Other Causes and ConditionsClogged Pump or HoseIf the washer won't drain there might be a clogged pump or hose. It's common for small socks or other small clothing items to get into the water drain system and clog the hose leading to the pump or the pump itself. Remove the hoses from the pump in order to remove the article of clothing. Keep in mind that any water in the washer will pour out of the hoses when removed.Drive BeltIf the washer won't drain, should check the drive belt. If the belt is broken or if it isn't tight on the pulleys the washer won't drain properly, if at all.Lid Switch AssemblyIf the washer won't drain the lid switch assembly might be defective. This is a very common problem. The lid switch assembly can fail either mechanically or electrically.
Test any electrical switches with an Ohm meter for continuity. The switches should have continuity according to their design.Door Lock Motor and Switch AssemblyIf the washer won't drain the door lock assembly should be checked.
The door lock can fail either mechanically or electrically. Test any switches on the door lock with an Ohm meter. The switches should have continuity according to their design.Drain HoseIf the washer won't drain water check the drain hose. Be sure the hose did not get kinked behind the washer. Also, remove the hose from the pump and check it for obstructions.Coin TrapIf the washer won't drain the coin trap may be clogged. This washer is equipped with a device near the water pump called a coin trap.
The purpose of this device is to trap any foreign materials that make their way down the drain. Normally, the coin trap can be accessed through an access panel.

Super clarendon font free download. It is designed with the homeowner in mind and is normally easy to clean out. Step 1: Perform a master resetThis is the first thing a person should try. Unplug the washing machine, and leave it this way for about 1 minute. Plug the machine back in, and close the machine door six times in 12 seconds to send a message to the computer to reset everything.
It may not work on all washing machines, so consult the repair guide to see if it will work for this particular machine.Step 2: Fix the lid switchIf the lid switch has become defective, it is necessary to remove it from the machine. Consult the machine's repair guide to see where it is located and how to take it out. See if the switch works when it is used to open and close the machine door. If it does not, the lid switch needs to be replaced.Step 3: Check the water level control if the machine isn't spinningOpen the control panel, and look for the water level valve. If the plastic tube attached to it appears clogged, vinegar can clear it up. If the switch itself appears corroded, it may be necessary to replace it.If none of these solutions work, consult the user's guide that accompanied the machine.
Parts may need to replaced, or a repairman may need to be called. I fixed my washer without taking it apart! I would have had to take apart entire washer to fix clogged pump. But instead I1) used EXTREMELY hot water and let it drain a few times, putting the hose on the ground, turn your water heater to maximum for this, you might see clumps of what is clogged coming out.2) sucked and blew air into the hose and back out to help unclog the water pump3) started to shake and slide the washer back and forth as it was on it's drain cycle, with the house on the ground.4) after doing this for about an hour, THE WATER PUMP STARTED WORKING and a HUGE clump of my rugs came out of the machine.I posted a video explaining more here: Good luck. Not draining?
If the washer won’t drain or spin, either something is stuck in the washing machine drain hose or pump, or the pump is broken. If a washer won’t drain or spin, the fix is simple if you’re even just a little bit handy with tools. We’re showing the repair on a Maytag washing machine.Remove the front panel screws. Start by unplugging the machine and emptying the water. Bail the water out of the tub, or you can drain the tub using gravity by placing the washer drain hose on the floor near the drain or in a bucket. Clamp the hose to prevent any remaining water from running out. The gear case may be damaged due to overloading.
Sounds like it's spinning but if the tub doesn't spin; your laundry stays dripping wet.Use the videos and step-by-step resources to familiarize yourself with the process.Unplug the power cord and place the end under the washer lid. Close the lid.Turn off the water.
Detach hoses from the machine.Walk the machine away from the wall about ten inches.Tuck the drain hose under the power cord.Use your combination Craftsman screwdriver to remove the power cord cover and the two outer screws that hold the control panel from the back.Slide the top of the machine forward and lift gently, as it releases, push rearward until the top becomes free. Rest the open top on the machine body, use the two slots at the rear of the top. The slots fit onto the tabs that retain the rear of the control panel.Use your Craftsman screwdriver to gently pry the bolt cover from the inside center of the wash tub. Take care, do not to nick anything. (Nicks snag fabrics during the wash cycles.)Use a Craftsman metric socket set to remove the spindle bolt.

Lift the agitator from the spindle and set it aside.Very carefully pry the tub retainer from it's center slot. Set it aside.Carefully examine the top of the outer tub, understand the way top is held by nubs in slots around the top of the outer tub. Use a stubby screwdriver to gently pry the plastic enough to free each nub from its slot as you pull upward. Place the top aside while noting the placement of the bleach dispenser.Lift the tub carefully. Set it aside.Close the top of the machine.Find some old towels.
Spread the towels over an end table, coffee table or two dining chairs placed front to front. Lean the washer forward onto the improvised towel covered work platform. Center the washer carefully and securely.Use your Craftsman metric socket set and extension to remove the two drive cover retainer bolts. Set the cover aside.Squeeze the connector tabs on each electrical connector. Gently shift each connector while pulling until it becomes free.Note the location of the shift ring.Use your Craftsman metric socket set to remove the center drive pulley nut. While rotating pulley; work the drive belt off of the pulley.
Set the pulley and belt aside.Use your Craftsman combination screwdriver to remove the two screws holding the shift actuator to the gear case body. Set the actuator aside.Carefully lift the capacitor away from the gear case body while twisting an eighth of a counter clockwise turn. Set it aside.Use your Craftsman metric socket set to remove the two motor retaining bolts while holding the motor. Set the motor aside.Maintain the balance of the washer.Use your stubby screwdriver to walk to the two wire harness retainers from the gear case body. Drape the harness out of the way.Use your Craftsman metric socket set and an extension to remove the four gear case to tub base screws.Maintain the balance of the washer.Pull the gear case away from the base of the washer tub while noting it's position. Compare the new and old gear cases.
Check for the lower tub seal. Remove the old tub seal if necessary.Maintain the balance of the washer.Reverse the process for re-assembly.Do not over tighten any fastener.Do not snug fasteners until each fastener is adequately started and each part is securely in place.Run one normal cycle while observing the empty washer operation.If any irregularities are noted; the washer may require a reset.Tell each user about the cost of overloading the washer and dryer. Repeat often. Exaggerate the cost and time involved until you receive FULL reimbursement. There are lots of reason why the washer does not drain water.
If the washer machine does not drain water, the pump belt may have broken or worn out. You have to check the belt plus drain pump as well because it drains pump might be defective and replace it if it shows any wrong signs.
You must identify the fault of the drain pump or drain hose before replacing. Try to remove the hoses from the pump to remove the clothing piece. Note that the water in the washing machine will come out of the holes when it is removed. There is a lid switch which could be defective because of assembling malfunction.Test all the switches and door lock motor with the Ohm meter for continuity. This washer is implemented with a device near the water pump described a coin trap, and it could be clog so as not to drain the water. Here, can help to get rid of the issue.
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Kenmore Washer 70 Series Won't Spin
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