Signtool With Cer File
If someone gets offended by this, because he knows already 200 posts about it. Do not reply.Yes, some wrote already here some words what to do.
Yes, you are right I created nothing new.But I want this summed up for forum searchers, that maybe find this posting useful in spending less time to find an answer in one place.I don't want to re-animate very old postings. So forgive me if I try to help other idiots like myself.First I need to give credits to:For summing it up in a nearly complete way.There is a nice Gui existing that wrapps it up:Below you also find some instructions how to add it to the compiler.I tested this on a Windows 7 (x64) - but all codes used is x86 (32bit) - for 64bit I need to create another package (or make the script smarter).So here is the sequence in general:general purpose: I created several EXE files of the years, and I do not want to use the SIGNUI to click each file.
Expand collapse popup;. Directives created by AutoIt3WrapperGUI.;. Directives created by AutoIt3WrapperGUI. ( $CmdLineRaw, '/ErrorStdOut' ) ( 262144, '.please run from editor.' , 3 ) $iCheckIni = 0 $ini = (, 3 ) & 'ini' $sCERTIFICATEPASSWORD = 'replace with unique password' $sCN = 'replace with unique CN' ( ( $ini, 'section', 'CERTIFICATEPASSWORD', $sCERTIFICATEPASSWORD ) ) = $sCERTIFICATEPASSWORD $iCheckIni = 1 ( ( $ini, 'section', 'CN', $sCN ) ) = $sCN $iCheckIni = 1 $iCheckIni ( & 'keys' ) ( & 'keys', & 'keys' & & '.'
& & '-' & & ' & & ' & ) ( $ini, 'section', 'CERTIFICATEPASSWORD', $sCERTIFICATEPASSWORD ) ( $ini, 'section', 'CN', $sCN ) ( $ini, 'section', 'UniqueSamplePasswordCreatedOn' & & & & & &, UniquePasswordGen ( ) ) ( $ini ) ( 262144 + 64, 'edit the ini file' & & 'and run again.' 2016.07.01bfixed the installer.
Convert P7b To Cer File
At times the template on vista and newer goes to c:usersAll Users.Templates2016.07.01; extensive testing, this is the best I can come up with, to simplify self signing the executable compiledwith AutoIt3 from SciTE ( the editor ). Could have given the code more options but I felt at the time of codingthat it was practical enough and if you ( the coder ) feel different, the code is in the file to tweak or just plain rewrite.In this ZIP are included the updated utility files from the original distribution of this package plus an installer of sortscalled 'copy all these to SciTE path.exe', to place the files in the path that the '#AutoIt3WrapperRunAfter' command can findeven if running as a portable setup.

The path is%scitedir%toolsSignThisFileCertSigner.exe and it will also patch the Template.au3( if one is found ), to add the directive, with /NoPopup /NoLogfile ( therefore CertSigner.exe would otherwise write a log fileand show a GUI with said log ), but the output is displayed at SciTE's console anyway, so what's the need for more bells and whistles. No need.Unless you run it in self standing mode, by dropping a file to it.
Then you do want to have a feedback. Digital Sign Tool V0.5Features:Digitally sign: (.exe) (.cab) (.cat) (.ocx) (.dll) (.stl)Metro style GUI thanks @BBs19Error loggingMulti file supportInstructions:You must have your (.pfx) certificate imported to the 'Current UserPersonalCertificates' storeYour certificate must be exportableSelect your digital certificate from the drop down menuClick browse to add your files to signClick signFor more information please visit:Sign your exe with a Digital Signature / Signtool.exe.
I'm using Windows Driver Kit build 7600.16385.1.In the past I have successfully Kernel-Mode code signed my Driver. I had the same issue. After 2 hours of discussion with Verisign support:1) In IE Certificates section, import the new pfx into General tab (select exportable option)2) Import 'Alternative Code Signing Intermediate 2010.cer' into 'Intermediate tab'3) Now export the new pfx file from General (check 'Include all certs.' I had the same issue. After 2 hours of discussion with Verisign support:1) In IE Certificates section, import the new pfx into General tab (select exportable option)2) Import 'Alternative Code Signing Intermediate 2010.cer' into 'Intermediate tab'3) Now export the new pfx file from General (check 'Include all certs.'
I imported the above certificate and followed the directions as indicated. But my binary (boot driver) doesn't have the Microsoft Certificate.
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