Genetec Archive Player

Genetec Omnicast Archive Player Windows 7
Dynamic Archive ManagementSecurity Center’s Archive Transfer feature provides organizations the ability to dynamically manage the location where video recordings are stored, providing system administrators the ability to copy video from one Archiver to another. Recordings can be transferred between Archivers at a local site, as well as between remote and federated locations.To manage the use of bandwidth, archive transfers can be configured to occur on a schedule or on-demand, allowing organizations to only transfer video when greater network capacity is available. In order to reduce storage used, transfers can also be limited to video of interest by filtering by events, including alarms, analytics, and motion. With the ability to transfer older recordings to less expensive storage equipment, users can also reduce their investment in hardware when long-term video retention is required. Use CasesCentralize Remote Site RecordingsTo improve efficiency, organizations can centralize archives from distributed systems and conduct investigations from their head-end.
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